How to: Create a Basic Layout

An Introduction to The Layout Tool

Create your very own basic layout with a heading and body field.

  1. Navigate to the Manage Layouts page

  2. Click on the green, Create New Layout button

  3. Add a title to your layout and start building using the fields on the left

  4. Click on the field types and they will populate in the builder

  5. Use the “caption” field to label your content areas

  6. Remember to save your layout as you build

  7. You can stop here if you are going to be exporting your content via word, HTML, or using one of our integrations.

Follow the remaining steps if you will be using an Excel export

  1. Click into “Advanced Options”

2. Under “Export” enter in your “Excel Column Identity” for your excel export. This will be the column name.

Updated on January 29, 2024

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