So you’ve mastered SEO 101 and beginning content marketing strategies; you’re well on your way to increasing the amount of traffic your site is capable of driving, but unfortunately, as the digital economy progresses, that’s not enough.
As the market becomes more and more competitive, you need to start adopting new strategies that can bring more impact to your site’s ability to drive traffic. Here are 3 tips useful to those trying to take their traffic to the next level:
Embrace the Impact of the Influencer
When you utilize an influencer to promote your product, you’re basically piggy-backing on a brand that’s already been established to promote your own.
Shopify has an excellent blog post on this concept, that discusses that consumer actually value word-of-mouth product recommendations more than conventional advertising. The value of an influencer endorsement, however, relies on how relevant they are to your audience.
Optimize the Impact of Your Advertising
Speaking of which, the value of your advertisement rests on how well you know your audience. One way to glean an in-depth understanding of your audience is by creating and studying customer personas that lend a little information about your audience.
By knowing where to find your audience in the digital market, you can target your advertising budget to be the most effective it can be. For example, which demographics watch the most TV, and how? Will your paid social media advertisements be more effective on Facebook, with the largest audience, or Instagram, with the youngest?
Use Analytics to Fine-Turn Your Website
If you’re not using some form of analytics to learn about your site, you’re missing out on your ability to grow. Google Analytics is the largest aggregator of website data, and within hours of signing up you can find out where your site is bringing in traffic and where it’s failing.
To ignore the many free tools that Google curates for website managers is to put blind faith in charge of your website’s success. The ability to monitor which keywords are bringing in traffic and which customers are being converted at the highest rates is invaluable in terms of your website’s growth.
Once you learn the basics of SEO and content marketing, your work is not done; you’ve simply grasped the foundations on which you can build a site that drives traffic and creates conversions.
How do you take your site’s traffic to new heights? Tell me in the comments: