4 Free Visual Content Marketing Tools for Eye-Catching Content

4 Free Tools You Can Use to Create Eye-Catching Content

Visual information is processed faster and retained longer than both written and verbal content combined. That’s why content marketing guru Jeff Bullas is a big believer in the power of visual content marketing tools such as infographics, images and explainer videos.

While your written content can be top-notch (and our professional content writing services can help), if your page isn’t visually catching, they may not engage your visitors as you’d like.

Here are four free tools you can use to create attention-grabbing pieces to bolster your content marketing campaigns:


How your words look impact how they feel. The spacing between each letter, the thickness of the lines and even how legible the actual words are all work to communicate a particular sentiment to your audience. Fonts give your content personality.

Free open-source font libraries such as GoogleFonts let you choose the right personality for your content, giving your words a virtual ‘face’ for your online readers.

Piktochart Infographics

Want to quickly convey complex concepts, boring statistics or detailed chronological information? Create an infographic.

Infographics may look complicated, but with a free online creator tool such as Piktochart, anyone with basic web savvy can craft their very own customized visual content marketing resources using one of the more than 400 free premade full-color templates.

[ctt template=”4″ link=”wC04Q” via=”yes” nofollow=”yes”]When it comes to making a first impression, appearances matter. Check out these four tools to create eye-catching content.[/ctt]

Biteable Explainer Videos

Explainer videos are big – everyone from Fortune 500 companies to sole-proprietor startups use the power of moving pictures to supplement their content marketing resources.

Thankfully, free online video creation tools such as Biteable, make it easy for anyone to get in on the video-creation craze.

With big-name clients like Yahoo!, Drupal and KPMG, Biteable lets anyone make a watermarked video for free (non-watermarked, HD versions cost around $100 each).

Related: Colors Are Crucial in Making Your Site Fresh and Vivid

Picasion GIF Maker

Get in on the GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) craze by creating your very own animated GIF with one of the many free online tools. We like the easy-to-use Picasion service, which lets you quickly craft attention-grabbing animated avatars and images.

Want more insider tips on maximizing your content marketing resources? Explore our blog, where you’ll always find the latest in content marketing techniques and trends.



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Drew Davis is a full-time professional copywriter who crafts web-optimised newsletters, blogs, product descriptions, press releases and articles. Drew has a solid track record of producing content that is engaging, meaningful and accessible. She translates complex ideas and concepts into scannable, sharable copy that delivers real results for her clients.

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