Is There an Ideal Blog Post Length for SEO?

Blog for the SEO blog length

We’ve all heard chatter about what search engines deem the perfect blog post length, but is there such a thing? In short, no. 

Still, length is an important consideration, and determining how much to write takes more than guesswork. If your posts are too short, it might leave readers wanting more, impact crucial SEO signals such as time on page, and diminish your authority. A post that’s too long can cause readers to lose interest — unless it’s packed with eye-catching visuals and captivating storytelling.  

Want to know how to work out how long a blog post should be? This article breaks down the factors that contribute to the ideal length of an article.

What’s the Ideal Length for a Blog Post?

Blog posts aren’t one-size-fits-all, and typically range from about 500 to upward of 3,000 words. Ideal article length varies based on your industry, chosen topic, and the angle you take. Let’s take a closer look at the contributing factors to blog post length.

How many words does it take to achieve the article’s purpose?

It sounds obvious, but the most important thing to consider when deciding how long to make a blog post is what you aim to achieve. Here’s what to consider:

  • Complexity: If the topic is intricate, explores multiple perspectives, or involves detailed instructions, you’ll need more words to provide necessary explanation and context. For instance, a post titled, A Complete Guide to SEO in Content Marketing will be longer than one called, Should I Use the Oxford Comma? Simple news updates, quick tips, and straightforward questions don’t require lengthy explanations. In these instances, it’s best to focus on clarity and expertise within a shorter word count.
  • Audience: If your target audience primarily seeks quick information, break your topics down into multiple shorter posts. On the other hand, invested readers crave thorough content that offers new insights and information. If your audience prefers in-depth exploration, longer posts with examples, images, and expert insights are more valuable.
  • Search intent: You have to decipher the intent behind common search queries in your niche to customize content length. For example, searches such as “what does target market mean” seek brief answers, while “how to tailor content to my target audience” indicates a need for a comprehensive guide.

A crucial point to remember is to prioritize value over bumping up word count. Adding unnecessary content or repeating information just to reach a target length inevitably weakens your blog post’s potential. Every sentence should be useful, compelling, and easy to understand so the overall piece enhances readers’ understanding of the topic.

Considerations for search optimization

Don’t listen to advice that tells you writing long articles automatically means you’ll rank high on search engine results pages (SERPs). Crafting long posts for the sake of word count alone won’t boost your visibility online. For instance, a poorly written 3,000-word post won’t outperform a well-crafted 500-word article that directly answers a user’s query. Prioritizing substance over a specific word count should be written into your content strategy in stone.

Longer posts tend to perform better not because of their word count but due to the factors that typically accompany them. Here’s what matters most when it comes to blog post length and SEO:

  • Dwell time: Well-crafted, lengthy blog posts encourage visitors to spend more time on your page. Increased dwell time signals to search engines that your content is engaging and valuable, positively influencing rankings.
  • Comprehensive coverage: Longer posts give you the luxury to explore topics in greater depth. This allows you to naturally incorporate your primary keyword and a bunch of relevant, long-tail semantic keywords. 
  • Backlink potential: In-depth articles are more likely to be shared and linked to by other websites. These serve as signals to search engines that your content is authoritative and trustworthy, boosting your rankings.
  • E-E-A-T: Google prioritizes content that demonstrates experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. Longer blog posts showcase these qualities by covering a topic in its entirety with insights, data, multimedia, and examples.
  • User experience: While not a direct ranking factor, longer posts have the potential to improve user experience, indirectly bolstering SEO. Well-structured articles with headings, visuals, and clear formatting make it easier for readers to navigate the content and find the information they need.

Researching average word counts of top-ranking posts for your keywords gives you a concrete benchmark to aim for. Perform data analytics on your own posts and your competitors’ to determine the perfect length. 

Analyze your existing content 

When deciding on blog post length, it’s best to use data rather than assumptions. Your website has concrete data on what long and short mean for your readers. 

Pay attention to metrics such as:

  • Average time on page: This shows how long readers spend engaging with your content. If they spend a long time reading, it indicates that lengthier posts work well. On the other hand, if you notice drop-off points before they reach the end of the article, your posts are too long.
  • Bounce rate: High bounce rates on longer articles may signal they’re intimidating or don’t provide the quick answers readers seek. This might indicate a need for shorter, snappier content on certain topics.
  • Scroll depth: See how far down visitors usually read. If most people barely make it past the intro with longer posts, it signals you may need to tighten your content or focus on more compelling openings.

Analytics may show that your detailed guides generally see better engagement and lower bounce rates if they have higher word counts. For straightforward information or roundup posts, your audience might prefer a focused, quick-read format. 

Use analytics to customize blog post length strategically based on what works within your content marketing and SEO strategies. This data-driven approach will ensure you don’t write overly long or disappointingly short articles, and instead focus on delivering content that resonates with your audience.

What are your competitors doing?

Conduct SERP analysis to see what others in your industry are writing. Pay close attention to articles that cover similar topics — especially those already ranking high on search engines.

Das Writing Services shows you one way of doing it, but there are several approaches you can take. A good starting point is analyzing top-ranking results for your target keywords to see what format and length performs well for similar searches. 

Pay attention to:

  • Dominant lengths: Notice if there’s a clear trend in post lengths of top-ranking content. This gives you a starting point for what’s common in your industry and informs how much detail you need to add to be competitive.
  • Content quality: Don’t just focus on length — analyze the quality of the top posts. If shorter content ranks highly, it probably excels in other areas such as information density or exceptional writing. Taking a well-rounded approach helps you determine the length necessary to outrank competitors while maintaining quality.

Look for opportunities to stand out, such as:

  • Writing shorter posts in a sea of fluff: If the top results are lengthy and detailed, a well-written, concise post that captures the essence of the topic while adding something new could be a refreshing alternative for readers seeking a quicker answer.
  • Offering depth instead of superficial answers: Say your competitors’ content is superficial and lacks detail. In this case, aim to create a comprehensive, data-driven article. This can position you as an authority in your field and may outperform shorter pieces.

Conducting SERP analysis helps you find the optimal length that allows you to compete effectively while offering a valuable and differentiated perspective to your audience.

Who’s your target audience?

Your audience ultimately determines how much time they’re willing to invest in your content. Here’s how to adjust to different search demographics:

  • Busy professionals: If you cater to casual readers who juggle packed schedules, such as businesspeople or working parents, concise, informative posts and scannable content are more likely to keep them engaged.
  • Hobbyists and enthusiasts: An audience deeply interested in your topic wants to see in-depth analysis, detailed instructions, or multi-perspective long-form articles. They tend to appreciate more comprehensive discussions.
  • Casual scrollers: Readers who browse casually on mobile devices prefer shorter, visually engaging posts optimized for smaller screens.
  • Desktop researchers: If your audience is into in-depth research sessions, such as students or industry professionals, longer articles that dig deep into a topic could be ideal.

The bottom line? The key to determining blog post length is knowing your audience so well that you deliver content they find valuable, engaging, and informative.

The Benefits of Long-Form Blog Posts

Longer blog posts typically perform better in search results because they:

  • Deliver more value. Long-form blog posts provide readers with more value than short-form posts. They answer all the questions a searcher seeks, providing them with all the information they need in one place.
  • Demonstrate authority. These deeper dives can also help businesses cement their authority in a space, often giving potential customers the confidence to purchase products or services from the company.
  • Avoid keyword stuffing. Shorter posts often risk keyword stuffing to improve SEO. In longer posts, writers have the room to weave keywords in effectively, enhancing SEO without sacrificing readability.
  • Increase dwell time. Dwell time measures the time between when a visitor clicks through a search result to your page and when they leave and return to the search results. If visitors read most or all of a longer blog post, you’ll have a better dwell time, which could potentially result in a higher Google search ranking.
  • Get shared on socials. Readers may be more likely to share longer-form content on social media, which improves visibility and may attract more visitors to your site.

Although long-form blog posts have substantial benefits, you have to prioritize quality over quantity to rank high in search results. That means avoiding fluff and filler to make sure your content remains engaging and informative. If you can adequately say something in 500 words rather than 2,000, do it. 

Want to lengthen a blog post without sacrificing quality? Take a deeper dive into your chosen subject,add multimedia elements, incorporate expert quotes, and include updated statistics. Adding examples and insights delivers value for readers while encouraging them to stay on the page longer.

Are Blog-Writing Services Worthwhile?

Outsourcing blog content is a strategic move that yields significant rewards — when you work with the right people. Not all blog-writing services are equal. To maximize the return on your investment, select a content partner who understands your unique brand voice, target audience, and SEO goals. 

Ready to get serious about using content marketing to grow your business? Explore Crowd Content’s blog writing service. We become an extension of your brand, freeing up your valuable time and resources and delivering targeted content that drives results.

Keshav Sharma

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