Content Optimization Tools: What They’re For and How to Choose One

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Content marketing is a highly effective strategy for growing your business — it can boost your search rankings, improve website traffic, and keep the leads pouring in. But to truly power these results, consider adding a content optimization tool to your personal tech stack. These platforms help you create content that’s backed by solid SEO research and audience insights, improving the quality, relevance, and performance of your content.

Can a piece of software really have this kind of impact? Absolutely. In this article, we’ll look at some of the features of content optimization tools and how they help accomplish your goals. You still need to lean on your creativity and expertise, but these platforms can fine-tune what you create for better search engine algorithms and content for your target audience.

Using Content Optimization Tools to Enhance Your Workflow

Consider what your content needs to accomplish to further your business goals. Your articles, landing pages, and white papers must:

  • Surface in front of your target audience
  • Encourage customers to visit your website
  • Provide helpful information that solves their problems
  • Persuade them to convert
  • Communicate clearly and engage readers from beginning to end

If you’re doing it well, producing great content requires effort. This can be time-consuming when trying to stick to a regular publishing schedule. Content optimization tools can help you pick up the pace, assisting with:

  • Keyword research. Find the keywords your audience uses and understand their search intent so you can create content that perfectly aligns with their needs.
  • SEO optimization. Make sure you follow best practices for keyword usage, meta titles and descriptions, internal linking, and backlinking.
  • Competitive analysis. Evaluate top-ranking pages to find opportunities to leapfrog competitors in the search engine results pages (SERPs).  
  • Content ideation. Learn what topics to cover in your content to address the subject matter in depth. AI-powered platforms suggest relevant topics and generate content outlines in seconds.
  • Content analysis. Most tools improve the readability of your content, pinpointing spelling and grammatical errors and suggesting ways to improve structure and flow.
  • Performance analytics. Track metrics such as traffic, engagement, and conversions to ensure your content achieves its goals. This data shows where your strategy needs adjusting so you can fine-tune your tactics and improve results.

Content Optimization Tools to the Rescue

You may be wondering which optimization tools are best suited for your workflow. Some tools are weighted toward SEO and keyword research, while others are strong in AI content generation. We’ve evaluated some of the most popular tools on the market to give you a sense of the functionalities available:

  • Semrush
  • INK
  • MarketMuse
  • Surfer SEO
  • Clearscope
  • Topic
  • Frase


Semrush is widely recognized as one of the top search engine optimization tools on the market. It has over 55 tools and reports to help with keyword research, SEO, competitor analysis, and content marketing.

Key Features:

Semrush draws on its vast databases and SERP analysis to help with content optimization. The following tools are especially useful for shaping your content: 

  • SEO Content Template: This tool generates a template for your content based on the search terms you input. It analyzes the top 10 ranking pages and offers guidance about keywords, word count, readability, and potential backlinks. You can also get insight into how your competitors use keywords as part of their on-page SEO.
  • SEO Writing AssistantYou can connect this tool to Google Docs, Word, or WordPress to help you craft content in real-time. SEO Writing Assistant provides feedback on SEO optimization, tone, clarity, and originality. You can also turn to its AI features to help you compose or rewrite text.
  • Keyword Overview: Understanding user intent is necessary to create valuable content. The Keyword Overview tool shows you user questions relating to each keyword. Consider answering these in your content to make your writing more informative and helpful.
  • Backlink AnalyticsBacklinks are external links that bring visitors to your site. These links signal to Google that your site is credible and valuable. Use the backlink tool to analyze the quality of your links and those of your competitors to improve your site’s backlink profile and authority.

Semrush also has robust performance-tracking utilities, making it an all-in-one tool for supporting your content strategy from start to finish. You’ll get the most value from Semrush when you leverage its content planning, creation, optimization, and analytics tools together. 


  • Extensive keyword and user intent data at your fingertips
  • SEO, PPC, and social media features in one package
  • Detailed yet user-friendly interface


  • More expensive than other tools if you only need basic features
  • Limited data for search engines other than Google


INK is an elegant yet mighty app that combines OpenAI’s generative AI with an SEO assistant. It’s focused primarily on content creation, analyzing search engine results in real-time to guide you in writing competitive content.

Key Features:

  • Content planning: INK suggests relevant keywords for your topic, grouping terms with similar search intent. Use these topic clusters as the basis for your content strategy.
  • Competitive analysis: Find out what topics your competitors cover in their articles and the ones you’re missing.
  • Search engine optimization: Get tips for bringing your page up to par for on-page SEO, including meta tags, headers, and image alt-text.
  • Content creation: Ask INK to create titles, lists, social media posts, calls to action, introductions, conclusions, and product descriptions. Be sure to refine the content to meet your particular goals and ensure it conveys your brand voice.
  • Visual asset creation: INK also creates AI images to enhance your written content, reducing the time it takes to get your content ready to publish.

As you write in INK, the app compares your content to top-ranking pages and gives you a score. Your score increases as you implement INK’s recommendations. The company claims that content with a 97% or higher score is four times more likely to rank in the top 10 on Google.

Overall, its extensive AI functionality sets INK apart from similar tools. While the app provides comparable utility to Semrush’s SEO Writing Assistant, it also gives you access to recipes, which create specific types of content from minimal input. 


  • Content scoring to help you easily gauge whether optimizations are worthwhile
  • Detailed insight into what you should write about and how to target topics
  • AI-powered features to simplify content creation


  • Suggested optimizations sometimes impact the flow and voice of content
  • Limited free features


MarketMuse leverages artificial intelligence to streamline the research, creation, and content optimization process. The platform analyzes your content against the competition to reveal opportunities, and uses highly accurate topic models so you can write the best possible content.


The following MarketMuse applications help tailor your content for search engine rankings and audience engagement:

  • Questions: Use MarketMuse to generate a list of questions people often ask about a target keyword to shape your content to meet audience needs.
  • Research: Find topics related to your focus keyword to add depth to your content. You can also discover keyword variants to help build topic clusters.
  • Compete: Leverage a visual representation of keyword research to identify must-have topics and ways to differentiate your content.
  • Connect: Build an internal linking strategy using suggested anchor text and matching URLs to enhance user experience.
  • Optimize: Maximize the impact of your content by incorporating AI suggestions and aiming to achieve a target score.

MarketMuse is especially powerful if you want to gain an edge over rivals. The Competitive Content Analysis tool identifies topics and keywords missing in your competitors’ content, giving you the scoop on quick wins. The platform also has tools that can help you track the performance of your content against competitors and find gaps in the market.


  • Comprehensive content analysis features
  • Competition analysis to find gaps in the market
  • Can run audits of entire websites


  • More expensive than some other tools
  • AI-driven content recommendations require careful consideration

Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO is a suite of AI-driven tools that helps improve your website’s visibility in the SERPs. It analyzes on-page SEO factors and provides actionable recommendations for planning, writing, and verifying content.


Surfer helps get you from ideation to publication. The platform’s main tools include:

  • Outline Builder: This tool synthesizes information about your target audience and keyword topic, providing a detailed content outline, including headings and questions. You can use the output to plan content and write briefs.
  • SERP Analyzer: Learn about the characteristics of pages featured in the SERPs and the correlation to actual rankings. The analysis includes over 500 factors, including visibility, traffic, backlinks, word count, titles, image alt-text, page speed, and structured data. 
  • Content Editor: The content editor works in real-time as you write, offering suggestions about readability and flow. Most recommendations are based on currently ranking pages and SEO best practices. The tool scores content out of 100, which some users may find more intuitive than Semrush’s quadrant chart.
  • Content Audit: You can also use Surfer to review previously published content for improvement. It will determine if the content is up to date and relevant and detect SEO errors. This helps to improve your keyword position.

When you’re ready to publish, Surfer’s verification tools provide a final quality check and scans for plagiarism. If necessary, you can revert to previous drafts using version histories, which helps larger teams collaborate more effectively. 


  • Comparison of content to top-performing articles
  • SEO audit capabilities
  • Easy to use


  • Suggestions based on existing content, ignoring the role of off-page SEO
  • Limited off-page SEO utilities compared to other tools, such as Semrush


Clearscope helps marketers, SEO specialists, and content creators to publish high-quality, search-engine-optimized content. The platform provides more extensive keyword analysis than most tools. It also offers detailed reporting features that let you track content performance. Performance analysis is one of the most important — and often overlooked — aspects of content marketing.


Clearscope’s data-driven features support your workflow from the research to the content upload phase:

  • Content grade: Clearscope assigns a letter grade to your content based on SEO best practices and recommendations to improve your score. Suggestions are based on an analysis of high-ranking pages and help enhance the value and relevance of your content.
  • Competitor analysis: The tool collects data from top-performing content in search engines to give you competitive insight. You’ll get information about topics that aren’t being covered by your rivals to help identify opportunities.
  • Content briefs: When unsure how to approach a new topic, use Clearscope to generate a brief. AI automates most of this process, suggesting relevant keywords and linking opportunities to help get you started.
  • Readability analysis: Like other tools on our list, Clearscope assesses the readability of your content to enhance user experience. Its readability metric is based on the Flesch Reading Ease score and assesses how easily your content can be understood. You’ll get suggestions on sentence length, structure, and other elements that impact clarity.

This platform integrates directly with Google Docs and WordPress for added convenience. This makes it possible to handle most aspects of content creation in one place without copying and pasting.


  • User-friendly interface
  • Keyword research and competitor analysis tools
  • Detailed content brief ideation


  • Expensive compared to other SEO tools
  • Limited internal and external linking guidance
  • Few collaboration features


Topic is a content planning and drafting tool. It focuses on content ideation and offers robust SEO research capabilities.


Topic offers fewer optimizations than other platforms but shines in its research and analysis tools.

  • Research Consolidation: Starting with a focus keyword, Topic scours three pages of Google search results to help you determine what to cover in your content. It suggests relevant headings, valuable questions, and additional keywords to ensure your content surpasses the competition.
  • Gap Analysis: Topic’s AI technology identifies informational gaps within your existing content, providing recommendations on enhancing its value and authoritativeness.
  • NLP Analysis: The platform analyzes top-performing pages in Google using natural language processing, identifying related subjects and questions that can make your content more comprehensive.
  • Focus Keyword Analysis: The platform also suggests topics based on keywords, helping you determine user intent.

Once you have an outline, Topic grades your content during the writing process, providing instant feedback and actionable suggestions. This saves you from making extensive edits later.

Topic also prioritizes user intent throughout the content optimization process, ensuring your content aligns with audience needs. For example, if someone searches for “jaguar,” do they want to know about the animal or car? By analyzing what searchers want from a particular keyword, Topic helps you create a more satisfying user experience. 


  • Easy to use
  • Research features help round out content outlines
  • Integrates into Google Docs and WordPress


  • Dependent on AI-based optimization recommendations
  • Lacks off-page SEO capabilities


Frase describes its content optimization tool as a form of smart AI. It uses natural language processing and content templates to enhance your writing. This generative AI is paired with extensive research and fact-checking capabilities, making the output less prone to errors and hallucinations.


Along with its unique smart AI templates, Frase offers essential SEO features, including:

  • SERP research: The tool distills key data from the top search results for a particular keyword. It provides information on word count, domain ratings, search volume, and competition metrics to help you determine which keywords are worth targeting.
  • Outline Builder: Frase’s simple drag-and-drop Outline Builder lets you generate briefs from scratch or SERP data. The tool recommends headlines, topics, questions, and statistics that are useful to include.
  • AI writer: The AI writer tool creates content based on formulas that match the tone and requirements of various types of copy. This enables you to create high-converting copy, FAQs, and engaging introductions easily.
  • Content optimization: After completing your draft, adjust your copy to improve your Frase quality score. This score reflects user intent and value, indicating whether your content is helpful based on what Google prefers to rank.


  • Unique Answer Engine tool helps you rank for snippets and other search features
  • Extensive SERP research and competition analysis capabilities
  • Relatively inexpensive for solo use and small projects


  • Depth of features may carry a learning curve
  • Limited technical and off-page SEO toolset

Comparing SEO Content Optimization Tool Features

Combining AI and Human Oversight

AI-enabled optimization tools can help you target your audience, improve content quality, and speed up the writing process, but there’s another ingredient that can put you over the top: your unique brand voice, creativity, and knowledge.

As more marketers rely on AI to support content creation, there’s a risk that all content starts to sound the same. AI content can rank in Google in theory, but remember that search algorithms reward content that provides a superior user experience and demonstrates E-E-A-T. Focus on creating content that sparks curiosity, offers unique perspectives, and draws on real-life examples and expertise. This type of content will resonate naturally with your audience and perform well in search engines.

Create Content That Ranks

Whipping up effective content is no easy task, but content optimization tools can streamline the process. While using technology to accelerate your research, ideation, and writing is important, it is also essential to have a skilled writing team pulling the pieces together and making your unique content shine.

Crowd Content’s writing services are another great tool to have in your arsenal. With over 5,000 expert wordsmiths in our ranks, we can connect your business with the perfect freelancer to help grow your content marketing strategy and drive more traffic to your site. Contact us today to get started.

Rick Leach

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Rick Leach, the Vice President of Content Operations at Crowd Content, is a seasoned professional in orchestrating large-scale content initiatives. At the helm of a dynamic team of content managers, QA specialists, and production assistants, he oversees the team’s production of high-quality content for businesses around the globe. Rick's expertise extends beyond operations management to providing strategic insights on scaling and producing outstanding content, making him a respected voice in the content creation industry.

Rick's journey in the content industry is preceded by more than five years as an Advertising Sales Manager at The Tampa Tribune, where he refined his skills in media sales and advertising. And his entrepreneurial spirit is evident in his successful 17-year venture as the proprietor of an e-commerce business.

On a personal front, Rick's life is as fulfilling as his professional endeavors. A proud U.S. Navy veteran, he enjoys a blissful family life, married with four children and a grandchild. Originally from New England but now residing on the Gulf Coast of Florida, Rick is an avid fan of the Boston Red Sox and the New England Patriots.

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