You’ll notice two applications: one for general copy and another for marketing copy. The applications are more in-depth than previous ones because passing them will give you access to multiple projects initially and new projects as they begin.
After you submit your application, it will be reviewed, and you’ll either pass or fail. If you pass, you’ll be assigned a rating and a Managed Board credential.
There will be a default set of teams that you’ll initially be assigned to based on your rating and which application you pass. You’ll see work on those projects as it becomes available.
For example, a writer who passes the general copy application and receives a two-star rating will automatically see work for the two-star business snippet project, but they may not see any other work right off the bat. As other two-star general copy managed projects begin, that worker will automatically see the work without having to complete another application.
Passing the marketing copy application does the same thing — but with projects we deem as marketing copy.
Please take your time completing the application and be patient – we’ll review them as quickly as we can.