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  4. How Do Writers Get Their Star Levels?

How Do Writers Get Their Star Levels?

Initial Sample Review:

There are 3 steps that go into reviewing a writers initial application.

1) Profile Review
Here at Crowd Content we only accept native English speakers located in The USA, Canada, The UK, Australia, New Zealand or South Africa.

An initial review takes place where our automated security system and our Talent Acquisition team validates the workers information and determines the legitimacy of a workers profile.
2) Sample Review
All applications and profiles are hand-reviewed by our Talent Acquisition team. We are initially looking for sentence structure, spelling and grammar, ability to follow instructions, Voice and tone match the topic/intended audience.
3) Experience/ Portfolio Review
New applicants are encouraged to provide us with additional writing samples to help us classify them into their appreciate quality level. We typically ask for LinkedIn profiles, public portfolios, resumes or other additional information.
This is especially helpful when identifying writers with niche experience, and subject matter experts.

These initial reviews are in place to make sure we are only brining in the best possible talent. Once the writer has their initial rating, they are ready to start writing.

Click here to see a breakdown of the Self-Serve quality expectations.

Client Ratings and a Gamified Platform:

Clients like you have a major impact on the star level that a writer has. Every time a writer completes an order, we ask you to provide them a rating of 1-5.

  • 1 = Poor
  • 2 = Acceptable
  • 3 = Good
  • 4 = Excellent
  • 5 = Exceeds Expectations

The ratings help us determine if the worker is doing a good job at their current star level. We use your ratings along with the help of our proprietary algorithm to move writers up and down quality levels.

With a heavy focus on ratings, our gamified system encourages writers to always provide their best work.

Manual Reviews:

Our algorithm tracks the client ratings and triggers quality reviews for writers to move up in quality level.

When considering a writer for a star level increate we focus on:

  • Consistency
  • Experience on the platform
  • Client and editor feedback

If a writer has consistently low reviews our system automatically lowers their quality.

A writers account will be closed if they:

  • Violate any of our terms
  • Consistently preform below expectations
  • Cause friction with clients and editors

Here at Crowd Content we want to connect you with the best possible writers for the job at your desired quality level. The rating system allows you to have a strong input on how we grow the freelance writers working of the Crowd Content platform.

Updated on June 21, 2021

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