A new year is traditionally a time to make new resolutions. For content writing and marketing, these resolutions should include ways to improve value. Looking back at 2014 for insight, the following are nine content writing resolutions that will improve your content marketing in 2015.
1. Speling and Grammer are Important
Customers are turned off by pour spelling and grammar. Unless u r tweeting. don’t use single letters or numbers 4 words either.
2. Revise Old Content
If you have a static web page that was written more than three years ago, revise it. SEO standards have changed a lot during that time. A revision that takes into account the content driven standards, as opposed to the old keyword driven standards, will improve your search engine rankings.
3. Update Regularly
Customers don’t want to receive spam, but if they like your product or brand, they do appreciate regular updates on important changes or new products. Use an email newsletter to provide updates to keep your customers engaged.
4. Maintain a Blog
Blogging is another great way to offer up to date information. A blog is a good place to include smaller news than the information you put in a newsletter. This lets interested customers be informed without being pushy.
5. Consistent Voice
If you hire content writing from a writing service, try to acquire the services of a single writer, or just a small team. This will create a consistent voice, which makes your content marketing more effective.
6. Schedule Your Marketing
Create a calendar and schedule your marketing in advance. This assures that you are oversaturating or undersaturating your audience with content.
7. Plan for Mobile
The vast majority of your audience will interact with your content via a mobile device. Create content marketing that is mobile friendly.
8. Add Video to Your Content Marketing
As much as 85% of people on the internet visit YouTube every month. Video is simply a force that can’t be ignored. If you aren’t using video content in your marketing, resolve to add video in 2015.
9. Don’t Set Arbitrary Number Guidelines for Content
Arbitrary guidelines limit the quality of your writing, without adding value. For example, don’t decide that a list needs to have exactly 10 ideas, just because it is a commonly used number in lists. If you can only think of 9 things to say, but they are all really important things, then just be satisfied with that and post your list of “9 Important Things.”