How to Guest Blog the Right Way

How to Guest Blog the Right Way

Over a year ago, Google’s Matt Cutts infamously declared that guest blogging needs to be stopped because it was “becoming more and more spammy.”

After this declaration, many businesses put a stop to guest blogging, while others were determined to continue submitting articles to other blog websites.

So, in your opinion, should we put an end to guest blogging to help save our SEO rankings?

The answer is no.

And SEO expert Rand Fishkin would agree with that, stating, “While guest posting can be a wonderful way to build your authority and earn links, it takes a huge amount of effort, and it’s easy for marketers to start slipping down the ‘Guest Posting Slope of Madness’.”

What he means by this is that while guest blogging can be an extremely effective way to get links to your site, posting low-quality content on low-grade sites can actually hurt your website.

Here are some ways you can guest blog and draw more attention to yourself and your website.

Search for Quality Websites

To show Google that you aren’t using any spammy practices when it comes to guest posting, you need to search for the right websites to showcase your articles on.

What are some sites that are popular in your industry? Which ones have a high page rank?

Make a list of websites that have these qualities in order to get quality links back to your site.

Have Something Valuable to Say

Don’t guest blog just because you feel like you have to. Instead, write something your audience will actually want to read.

For article ideas, think about trends and updates in your industry by signing up for Google Alerts, checking out competitor’s websites, and seeing what other people are saying on social media.

Use Original Content

All too often writers will write one outstanding article that got rave reviews on one website, so they wanted to republish it on other blogging sites. Google will reward unique content, while ignoring duplicates.

Guest blogging can make a huge impact in increased website traffic and page rank. Follow these tips to effectively post your articles on other blogs for link building.


Article by

Annabelle has been helping websites increase their online presence through digital marketing, blog posts, and website content since 2007. She has written numerous articles on trade show exhibiting, marketing, small businesses, and social media. Her work has been published on, TSNN, Social Media Today, Duct Tape Marketing, and Business2Community.

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