Consistently generating high quality content can be a bit like cooking for a household.
Meal preparation takes a great deal of time and energy: you plan the menu, shop for the ingredients, prepare the meal and finally, you serve it. Providing a satisfying meal is both challenging and rewarding.
However, before too much time passes, everyone is looking for another meal. And so you begin the process again. And again.
Creating content feels like that, doesn’t it? As a content writer, you face your own challenges. Developing ideas for your next article or blog post is difficult. Identifying topics that will interest your readers can be hard. Content marketing may feel overwhelming. Publishing an article or blog post is a great accomplishment.
But once again, it won’t be long before your readers are going to look to you for more.
As with meal preparation, having a plan and the right content writer tools in place makes content creation much easier. Read on to discover five surprising tools every content writer should utilize.
Developing Ideas for Content
By now, you know that Twitter is a great way to connect with your target audience. However, as Vanessa Copeland of TechWyse shares, this is also a tool that allows you to see what topics are trending in your industry. This will enable you to see what your readers have an “appetite” for.
This is an iPad app that allows you to customize your content feed based on your interests. With Trapit, you can limit the content you receive to that which pertains to your industry; perfect for when you’re low on ideas.
Distributing Your Content
Now that you’ve created your content, it’s time to share it with your readers. MailChimp allows you to easily distribute your content to those on your mailing list.
Promoted Posts on Facebook
According to Jeff Bullas, advertising on Facebook is effective because of the platform’s custom audience targeting features. Facebook’s promoted posts allow you to reach your target audience, even if they are not yet following you.
Do you know the best times to tweet the content you’ve generated? Tweriod does! Use this tool to ensure that your content is seen by as many of your followers as possible.
Having the proper content writer tools to create quality content makes all the difference. By utilizing some of the tools available, while benefiting from tried and true tips from others, you can consistently create content that is satisfying for both you and your readers.